Mr. Cipriciano T. Lauigan

School Principal

Modernization, integration of technology and digital solutions have been prevalent and essential especially nowadays as we continue to survive and thrive during this Covid-19 pandemic. The educational system is one of those highly affected by this pandemic and to continuously deliver quality services to our clientele, we must be responsive and adaptive to change. The new normal in education has led educational institutions to think of ways on how we can communicate with the different stakeholders of the school using online platforms since physical or face to face communication has been restricted as a safety protocol during these times. School leaders are challenged to innovate and integrate technology as an essential tool for communication, information dissemination and teaching. As our school's response to the call of institutionalizing a formal and technologically based structure or system, we are introducing the school's functional website.

This website reflects our acceptance to new trends in education and communication and shows our commitment to provide continuous quality services despite the difficulties and challenges at hand. Through our school's website, we will be able to reach out to our stakeholders. Salient features of our school website are as follows:

1. Parents will have convenient opportunities to address their concerns and inquiries to the school administration.

2. Our students will also be involved because student online activities or contests that they have joined can be showcased. It will also be a platform where students can access learning materials and interactive learning activities.

3. The school website could be an avenue for giving feedback to improve the quality of our school services.

4. Communication through our website can lead to better opportunities, help promote our school and increase the number of students.

Given the benefits that we can reap from using technology, let us give our school a chance to have a manageable and functional website and promote its use once established. I hope that everybody would support this endeavor and be positive that our functional website would be of great use to many. Technology integration in education is now a necessity and one must adapt to this change in order to survive and thrive. Let me share with you this quote From David Warlick, “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” Together, as we move forward, let us explore the possibilities that technology integration in education has to offer.

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